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Knee Exercise

The aging of human body is a gradual and slow process, and it’s important to strengthen shoulder, elbow, wrist, ankle, hip, and knee exercise. 

The aging of bones, muscles and skin is earlier than that of other organs such as the heart and brain. Among all motion organs, the leg is the most important in supporting the weight of the whole body and completing the functions of walking, running, and jumping. Therefore, when there are often muscle relaxation, weak contraction, and decreased neuromodulation, there will be a lot of difficulties to leg movement.

The changes in the legs are obvious, so people think that legs age earlier. Meanwhile, because the old people have inflexible lower limbs, causing reduced movement, thus in turn resulting faster aging of legs.

Knowing some reasonable massage and exercise methods of knee joint can not only exercise the body, but also protect the knee joint.


Eight Simple and Effective Methods of Knee Joint Exercise

1. Stretch your knees while sitting

Sit on the chair, put your feet flat on the ground, and then gradually straighten the left (right) knee, and maintain the position for 5-10 seconds, and then slowly put the leg down, alternate the leg. Repeat 10-20 times.

2. Bend your knees in prone position

Cross your hands in front of the head and put your head on them in prone position, and then gradually bend your knee joint as close as possible to your hip, maintain the position for 5-10 seconds, and then slowly put the leg down, alternate the leg. Repeat 10-20 times.

3. Extensor exercise

Flex one knee joint to the chest as much as possible in supine position, fix the thigh with both hands for 5-10 seconds, then gradually straighten the knee joint, alternate the leg. Repeat 10-20 times.

4. Quadriceps exercise

Bend one leg to the hip and hold the ankle with both hands on the back in prone position (or with the help of a towel), gradually pull the leg to the hip, and maintain this position for 5-10 seconds, then put it down, alternate the leg. Repeat 10-20 times.

5. Push and rub the thigh

Sit on a chair, bend both knees, attach both sides of the left (right) leg with the palms and fingers of both hands, and then push and rub 10-20 times along both sides of the thigh to the knee joint with a little force. Remember to alternate the leg.

6. Push calf with fingers

Sit on the chair with both knees bent and legs separated. Hold the knee with the thumb and index of both hands and then force the thumb and the other four fingers together. Do finger pushes along the inner and outer sides of the calf and make each push as close as possible to the ankle. Repeat finger push 10-20 times, then alternate the leg to start over again.

7. Punch around the knee

Sit on the chair with legs flexed and feet on the floor, relax your legs as much as possible, and gently tap around your knees 50 times with your left and right fists.

8. Press and rub the patella

Sit on a chair, flex your knees about 90°, place your feet flat on the floor, place the palms of your hands on the patella of the knee joint, attach your five fingers tightly to the patella, and then rub the patella evenly and rhythmically for 20-40 times.

 In lack of activity is an important factor in accelerating aging. Therefore, people, especially the elderly, should often participate in activities within their reach. Physical exercise, walking, and jogging are all beneficial to people’s health.

Post time: Dec-14-2020
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