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Some massage techniques you should know

The modern massage does not only refer to the two techniques of pressing and rubbing, but also encompasses a rather wide range of techniques and it can be said that all soft tissue treatment techniques belong to Tui Na. We will focus on some of the traditional massage techniques, with a brief introduction to some other related techniques.


(i) The gentle touch method

This massage technique involves tapping or pressing on the affected skin, either superficially or in the deeper tissues, but it is mainly used for superficial manipulation and does not act on the deeper musculature. Deep massage is usually used after the superficial tissue massage at the beginning of the treatment phase or before the superficial massage at the end of the treatment phase. The gentle touch have the effect of promoting the return of local blood and lymphatic fluid, relaxing the pores of the skin, and warming the local tissues. The direction of the massage technique is usually centripetal so as to facilitate venous return.


(ii) Kneading method

This method is through the fingers and palms of the affected skin and muscle tissue constantly lifting, kneading, pinching, holding, so that the local skin, muscle tissue and deep fascial tissue separation. The strength of the technique is more than the stroking method, which is often carried out after the deep stroking method. The direction of operation is away from the heart. It not only has the effect of promoting blood circulation and relaxing tissue tension, but also reduces the adhesions between tissues and increases the mobility of muscle tissue.


(iii) Striking method

It is the repeated alternate and rapid tapping, snapping or percussion of the muscle belly with both hands. This method was first used to facilitate the expulsion of sputum in patients with bronchial obstruction, and the back strike promote the release of sputum to facilitate elimination. Nowadays, it is mainly used on skeletal muscles. The alternating strike on the abdominal muscles not only stimulate muscle movement but also have a calming and relaxing effect on the muscles. Thrusting the muscle horizontally produces a stimulating effect, while thrusting it longitudinally has a calming effect on the muscle.


(iv) Rubbing method

This refers to the use of the operator’s thumb, fingertips, interphalangeal joints and elbow to press hard on the patient’s affected area, while making small circular movements, acting deep into the muscle tissue. The friction method has the effect of promoting blood circulation, increasing the metabolism of tissue cells, loosening fibrous adhesions, removing metabolic products and restoring tissue activity as well as improving tissue ductility.



(v) Vibratory massage method

This massage technique is a vibratory action, which in a nutshell is similar to a mechanical vibrator. It is easy for the massage therapist to control the force and direction of the technique, and it can also be done with a massager. The effect of the vibratory massage technique is that it activates the mechanoreceptors in the body and stimulates these receptors to produce a relaxing effect. Clinically, there are mechanical and manual vibratory techniques. Vibratory massage is often used in conjunction with traction in clinical practice.

YK-8000C2 9-section Massage Bed

These massage should be done on the Chiropractic Table. And the nine sections portable chiropractic table is multi-functional with separable sections for treatment. The bed surface is divided into nine sections to help patients to achieve different chiropractic postures.

Learn more: https://www.yikangmedical.com/portable-chiropractic-table.html

Post time: Dec-14-2022
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