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Don’t forget to decompress your spine

Cervical spondylosis and lumbar disc herniation are the most common diseases of the spine, mostly occurring in middle-aged and elderly people. But with the popularity of computers and smartphones, long-term head-down brushing cell phones and a sedentary lifestyle, more and more young people are getting cervical spondylosis and lumbar disc herniation. So what causes lumbar pain?


Causes of lumbar pain

1. Excessive cheating of lumbar muscles

Because of the weakness of their own core stabilizing muscles, maintaining their posture leads to cheat in the lumbar muscles. The incorrect posture such as: long time bending, hunchback and other postures.

The most important role of the lumbar muscles in physiological function is to maintain the stability of the spine and prevent forward flexion of the spine, rather than simply contracting bilaterally to be spinal extension and unilaterally to make lateral flexion of the spine.

Excessive force over a long period of time leads to lumbar muscle strain, which in severe cases makes life difficult for people to move around and extremely poor feelings.


2. Hip flexors are too tight

Too much tension in the hip flexors is one of the most obvious contemporary problems that we have due to sedentary and less movement, what does too much tightness in the hip flexors or lead to?

The hip flexors pull on the upper part of the pelvis, and when they are too tight, the upper end is stretched too much, leading to an anterior tilt of the pelvis, which is maintained for a long time and leads to a prolonged compression of the sacroiliac ligaments leading to low back pain.


3. Lumbar disc herniation / bulge / prolapse

This is also a common cause and involves a medical scope. Please follow your doctor’s advice and choose rest or rehabilitative training.


How to decompress the spine and avoid spinal diseases?

The best way to avoid and prevent spinal diseases is to maintain the normal physiological curvature of the spine. In work and life, do not lower your head and bend over to carry heavy things for a long time, which can maintain the cervical and lumbar vertebrae in a state of forward convexity, which can maintain their biomechanical stability and avoid the cervical and lumbar spine diseases.

When using a computer, reading a book or looking at a cell phone, do not keep your head down or maintain the same posture for a long time, in order to avoid overworking your neck and shoulders. If you do need to work with your head down for a long time, you can take a break for about 10 minutes when you work for half an hour to an hour. Do health exercises for the cervical spine, so that the cervical spine as far back as possible to relieve the symptoms of neck pain.


Avoid being sedentary. If you really need to be sedentary in your work and life, you can put a cushion on the back of your waist to arch it up and try to maintain the physiological convexity of your lumbar spine while sitting. Do lumbar spine health exercises every once in a while to strengthen the lumbar muscles so as to avoid lumbar ligament and intervertebral disc injuries, and also do some sports that help spinal health, such as swimming breaststroke, playing badminton, etc.

traction and decompression therapy

Both traction and decompression therapy has been practiced by trained health professionals for many years.  In fact, depending on the severity of your injury, stretching the spine using a traction table or similar motorized device can be an effective recovery option to relieve back pain, neck pain and even, sometimes, leg pain.


Our Traction Table is is an effective physical therapy to relieve the pressure of intervertebral disc and massage muscles and ligaments, thus relieving the pressure of nerve root and spine. It can shrink local tumors such as those in nerve root area, improve local circulation and relieve muscle spasm. It is designed to relieve pain and discomfort and provide an optimal healing environment for patients, who are experiencing degeneration, herniation or disc herniation.  

learn more: https://www.yikangmedical.com/traction-table-with-warmth.html


Post time: Oct-27-2022
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